Refund and Returns Policy

Refund & Cancellation Policy

Services You Can’t Cancel

You must pay for services you’ve received under a service contract that worked as expected or represented. You are unable to cancel a service contract or get a refund if the problem was outside our control or if you:

  • simply changed your mind
  • insisted on having a service provided in a particular way, against our advice
  • failed to clearly explain your needs.


How to Cancel Your Service

If you have a problem with a service we have provided, please take the following steps:

  1. Contact us whether verbally or in writing to explain the problem. If we cannot fix the service in a reasonable time, state that you want to cancel the service contract.
  2. If relevant, also ask us to compensate you for any damages or losses caused by the problem.
  3. If you’ve paid for the service and it has already started or been delivered, see our refund policy below.
  4. Show proof of purchase if requested.



If the work has already commenced no refund will be available.  If a service is provided under a specific contract the refund policy shall be as stated in that contract, otherwise it shall be this refund policy.

Expect refunds to be handled and processed within 30 days of the request.  Refunds and cancellations are offered in most circumstance as per the rules stated above.

Contact Us

You can contact us by visiting our contact page here.

Aust SME equity services with a purpose.